Web Design & Development for Curtaintrack

E-commerce with bespoke web development for complex product configuration. User experience design to ensure accurate configuration and ordering process.

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Website Walkthrough

Project details

The original website was redesigned and re-built from scratch to ensure only the relevant elements would load, improving performance.

Given the nature of the products, a different approach was required for this project. Whereas normal products have only a few or no variations at all, the products sold on this website have multiple levels of configuration, which show different options depending on the user’s choices. In terms of data entry, the majority of products allowed dozens of different combinations, requiring hundreds of prices to be added on the backend. This was achieved with bespoke web development.

In terms of user experience design, the inputs from product experts was needed to make the product configuration be accurate, which allowed orders to be placed correctly and to reduce the need for customer support.

Product catalogue with live chat integration, enabling users to interact with salespeople during business hours and leave messages when out of office.

SEO on a product level was regularly maintained to ensure a good organic ranking.

A nationwide PPC strategy was in place to launch the website and retargeting was done to increase conversion rate.